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Science Management Design Journal

ISSN: 2583-925X (Online)

LogPA: Log Parser and Analyzer

Siddiqui Abdul Rahman

Vishwakarma University, Pune, India


The requirement for effective and automated solutions in contemporary IT is met by LogPA, a small yet effective log parsing and analysis application. It has a modular architecture that has been tested, flexible setup, database integration, and scalability. The main goals of LogPA are to safeguard sensitive data with security measures, generate reports, analyze data automatically, and parse data efficiently. With a flexible tool that can be tailored for a range of log formats and use cases, the project seeks to increase cybersecurity and operational efficiency by optimizing log analysis procedures.


log parsing, automation, database integration, scalability, cybersecurity

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Published on: 05-2024

Journal Name: Science Management Design Journal

Volume: 02

Issue: 01

Pages: 44-47

Month: May

Year: 2024

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